
My Mom died, and I wrote a book about her

Jan 18, 2021 | Posted by in Uncategorized | 0

It’s been a long time since I’ve updated this website. Since then, I’ve published a children’s book, bought a house, and lost my mother to esophageal cancer.

My mother was once of the most interesting people I’ve ever known. She was unconventional, hilarious, and a little crazy. She taught me lessons no one else could have taught in the same way, and I decided I would share them with the world. So, I wrote “The Gospel According to Joy,” a short and sweet book about Mom and the lessons she taught me. It’s coming soon, and I hope you enjoy it.


Latest Projects

Dec 18, 2015 | Posted by in Uncategorized | 0

Well, “August’s Gardens” made its big debut a few months ago, so I guess it’s time to talk about what I’m up to next. I’m putting down the Phantasmagories series for now and setting to work on a few more personal projects. There are three already in the works and a lot of ideas waiting in line.

I think the project you will be likely to see first is a collection of short stories. They are all horror stories loosely based on intrusive thoughts related to my OCD. Don’t worry. When I say loosely, I mean very loosely. You wouldn’t be able to tell the thought inspired the story, but I can tell and it’s part of my therapy process. A few stories are completed already, but I’ll be taking my sweet time with everything from now on, so please be patient.

Another project I am working on is a book I started in my early twenties about a group of friends who has some seriously messed up experiences. I’m not sure where I’m going to take it from my younger self, but I’m in the process of getting it all off typewritten pages and onto my laptop.

Lastly, I’m working on something of a memoir about my life with OCD. It will include anecdotes from other mental patients, professionals and more. If it’s not interesting, at least it will be painfully funny.

Anyway, that’s it from me for now. I’ve got a lot of work to do and the rest of my life to do it.

Happy Holidays

IAmA Again

Aug 18, 2015 | Posted by in Uncategorized | 0

Hello Reddit,

This is my proof that I am who I say I am. You will find a ton of information about me and my fiction work on this site. You can find the copywriting/day job stuff that I do online under the pseudonym Shelly Barclay.

Thanks for stopping by.


If you’re coming across this and wondering what the hell I’m talking about … this https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/3hi0q6/iama_still_moderately_successful_freelance_writer/

August’s Gardens Blog Tour

Aug 14, 2015 | Posted by in Uncategorized | 0

It’s about that time. August’s Gardens is launching next week and I’m going to be going on a virtual tour with it. Reading Addiction Virtual Book Tours was kind enough to pull together a blog tour for me. It’s my first time trying out this method of reaching out to readers, so bear with me. You can find all of the blog tour stops here. I hope you find some interesting material and it becomes an enjoyable way for me to introduce books to you.

I will also be posting an AMA on Reddit Tuesday August 18, 2015 at about 6 p.m. EST. If I remember, I will post a link here. If you’re new to this, all it means is you can show up on Reddit and ask me whatever you want. Note: This will depend on Reddit. Right now, or last time I checked, things are/were a little weird in the Redditsphere, so there are no guarantees that I will be able to conduct a good AMA there. I’ve done it before and really enjoyed it, so I’m going to try. *fingers crossed*


August’s Gardens Press Release

Jul 20, 2015 | Posted by in Uncategorized | 0

August's Gardens Title Text


Email: [email protected]

Website: http://michellebarclay.net/

Book Tour Page: https://sites.google.com/a/myaddictionisreading.com

Phone: Available upon request


August’s Gardens: Sequel to Morrigan’s Shadows

By Michelle Barclay


Novelist Michelle Barclay Releases the Gruesome Sequel to Her Debut Novel


For Immediate Release:


(Boston, MA) July 18, 2015–In one month, August’s Gardens, the follow-up to fantasy horror novel Morrigan’s Shadows, will be released. In the interim, readers, fans and press can find teasers, reveals, interviews and much more across author Michelle Barclay’s social media and on her website.

August’s Gardens launches on August 18, 2015. The launch will correlate with a widespread virtual book tour. Bloggers, journalists, and professionals can reach Michelle at [email protected] for advance review copies and more information about the series.

August’s Gardens will be made available at all major book retailers in both paperback and eBook formats.


Michelle Barclay is the author of Morrigan’s Shadows and the horror novella Rot. She lives on the South Shore in Massachusetts with her husband.




“Rot” will be available through Kindle soon

Jul 5, 2015 | Posted by in Uncategorized | 0

When I wrote “Rot,” I was entering a short fiction contest that was based on how many downloads each writer could get of his or her short story. In order to enter the contest, I had to make my story available free. Now that the contest is over, I can make the novella-length story available in new places. The first of these is going to be Amazon for one good reason, they let you give your stories away. (Edit: Actually, they don’t do that forever, so read on for my alternative solution.)

I am going to keep “Rot” available free in its digital format. You can still download it at Freeditorial anytime in a few formats. However, that is a very minimally formatted version of the book and it does not include the cover. I am working on specifically formatting the story for Amazon, so you can download it to your Kindle in more than just a rough format and with the cover art.

I will update the site as soon as the new version becomes available. Thanks for reading!

Update: It turns out that I cannot post my story permanently free on Kindle. However, I am going to charge the lowest possible price. I will still have other download options and I will see what I can do about just posting it on my site or something simple like that for you guys. 



August’s Gardens Cover is Ready!

Jun 26, 2015 | Posted by in Uncategorized | 0

The cover is ready and the novel is not far behind. Look for it at all major online retailers on August 18, 2015.

August Cover

Morrigan is beyond death, trapped in a hellish nightmare from which only the Artist can save her. The Fiend is behind enemy lines learning to reap what he has sown. The Artist reaches deep into his past to find a reason for the strange woman he now must rescue from the vile Dark Man. The Winged Man is forced to wait while all of the elements he needs to start war with hell itself fall into place. Will he fight alone or will his shattered family unite with him?


“August’s Gardens” is coming!

May 16, 2015 | Posted by in Uncategorized | 0

Hello readers,

The three-year wait for a follow-up to Morrigan’s Shadows is almost over. Last year, I finished the first draft of the sequel, but then I got married and publishing was put on the back burner. That’s over this summer. August’s Gardens is getting its act cleaned up, a cover slapped on it and a release in August.

We know for sure the release date is August 18. You can expect giveaways, interviews, reviews and much more in the time surrounding our release. There will also be pre sales for those of you who can’t wait.

Stay tuned for more information and don’t forget to subscribe for more news.